Rumors have been circulating that Harrah's and the World Series of Poker plan on implementing a little change for the 2008 Main Event. The word on the street (or I guess the word on the superhighway, as it were) is that the Main event will be played down to the final nine as usual, but then play will halt for three months and the final table will be played out some time in November 2008.
I guess the idea is that during this three months, ESPN will have time to edit and broadcast the opening sessions of the Main Event leading up to the final table. Then in November, the final table will play out and be broadcast semi-live. When I first heard this idea, I was completely opposed to it. Now, after hearing lots of peoples' opinions on the matter, I'm beginning to see both sides of the argument.
Supporters of this idea argue that it will be huge for the popularity of poker. Think about how much hole-card cams changed the game, and how much people were opposed to the idea when it first came out. There's no question that the hole-card cam was one of the main factors leading to the explosion of poker as entertainment. So who knows, maybe turning to the Main Event final table into a Superbowlesque spectacle might actually bring in some more viewers. The other argument is that during this three month period, the final table competitors will have time to basically media-whore themselves. They can go on talk shows, promote the event, get sponsorship deals, etc. This will be beneficial to the player because of the added potential of more exposure, sponsorship money and so on. This will be beneficial to the viewer as well because it will give us time to get to know these people and develop a rooting interest. Also, when the final table airs, we won't know who ends up winning, so it will be more exciting and less anti-climactic.
Personally, I've watched the final table live on PPV the last two years and I loved it. Even without the hole cards and without the editing, it has definitely been one of the events I most look forward to throughout the year. Admittedly, I am of a very small minority. The general masses would not enjoy watching 15 hours of poker, without any hole-cards no less. So, I don't blame ESPN at all for wanting to draw in more viewers. Hey, that's business, I understand. However, I honestly can't see the general public watching an entire final table, even with the hole-cards. They don't want to see 20 hands in a row with no flop. That being said, I don't know how much editing they plan on doing, but I think the general public is fine with the two hour show they have now that shows 20 or 30 huge, exciting pots. That's what they want to see. They don't want to watch poker, they want to watch some ass-clown with a shark yelling "ALL IN!!"
But that's all good and fine. If ESPN wants to take that risk, more power to them. The biggest problem I have with this proposal is how much it changes the dynamic of the game. What it basically does is it changes the Main Event into a 6000 player satellite tournament, where the final nine players move on to a new tournament, the "Championship." A poker tournament is all about building momentum and learning about your opponents' game. Stopping play for three months is absolutely ridiculous. How much can a player's game change in three months? Some of these people will be completely new players three months down the line. Is it really fair to the better players who make the final table for the weaker players to get three months to study and practice and get coaching? I admit it will make for better TV to watch nine people who actually know how to play poker, but from an EV standpoint it's absolutely unfair to the Allen Cunninghams and the Lee Watkinsons who waded through a field of thousands and got to know how his opponents play, only to come back three months later to play for millions and the World Title against basically eight complete strangers.
Finally, the whole hype machine, Superbowl-of-poker extravaganza argument has one serious flaw. As far as I know, the final table will be played in a sequestered area where everyone will have to sign confidentiality agreements so ESPN will be able to edit it down and broadcast it before anyone finds out who wins. Well, great, it will be cool watching it on ESPN not knowing what's going to happen. The only problem is, how is there going to be this electric grand-spectacle atmosphere with no audience? It sounds like a petty grievance, but just think about it. What would the Super Bowl be without shirtless drunk dudes yelling at the top of their lungs? Or for that matter what would the Main Event Final Table be without "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie! Oy, oy, oy!" Sporting events are sporting events because of the audience, period.
So, I guess I'm prepared for Harrah's to go either way on this. Whatever happens, the Main Event will always be the Main Event. Although, I am leaning towards wanting to keep it the way it is, but that's probably just because I'm a huge nit.
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