Monday, November 10, 2008

heads up play continues 6:19p

next pot, I was IMing, and I missed something. Joe took down a small pot


jon's button
jon completes; joe raises to 15k; jon calls
joe checks, jon checks
joe bets 25k; jon calls
joe checks; jon bets 60k; joe calls

jon shows J-x; Joe shows K-7; joe wins a big pot


jon's bb
joe bets 30k; jon surrenders


by the way $9000 in real money will differentiate 1st and 2nd place


small pot
A-Q is shown by Joe and he takes it down.


jon's BB
flop is Q-A-9
jon check; check
check; check
river is 5
check; check; Joe mucks. Jon wins a small pot

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